Saturday, September 11, 2010

Birth Trauma... not an easy topic, but it is real and it happens to too many women

Women deserve respect and compasion. Birthing Women, as strong as they may be personally, when it comes to the time of labor and birth are at a most vulnerable place. It's hard to stand up for yourself and FIGHT while in labor and the biggest thing is, you shouldn't HAVE to!!!

Below are several links to posts that have been discussing this. How do women feel about their births? Too often, women are feeling traumatized, victimized, assalted, or even so violated in person and spirit that they feel as though their experience was akin to rape.
A difficult story to read... one woman's story of her traumatic birth, how the restrictions placed upon her took away her dignity, her plans and her birth.
Women's exeriences are REAL, it is how they feel! Noone else should be able to tell a person that they aren't allowed, or aren't supposed to 'FEEL' how they feel.

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